
Early US Applications 2021-22, overview of data

Guides / USA

As information trickles in about the early admissions round at the most ‘highly rejective’ US colleges, it’s clear that the trends of increased applications and reduced admit rates continue. In addition, where information has been disclosed, universities have admitted highly diverse student bodies, with BIPOC representation again increased. Here is some collated information (last updated 06.01.2022):

Penn ED

  • 7795 applied
  • 1218 offered admission
  • 51% of the enrolling class
  • 12% international
  • 53% female
  • 52% POC


Brown ED

  • 6146 applied (11% increase from last year)
  • 15% admit rate
  • 896 offered admission
  • 51% BIPOC


Yale REA

  • 7288 applied
  • 800 admitted


Harvard REA

  • 9406 applied
  • 740 admitted
  • 6% international
  • Over 50% BIPOC


Columbia ED

  • 6305 applied


Cornell ED

  • 9,500 applied


Stanford REA

  • No data



  • 14,900 applied
  • 719 accepted



  • No information released


Dartmouth ED

  • 2633 applied
  • 566 admitted
  • 16% international
  • 40% BIPOC


Princeton EA

  • No information released



  • 8,832 applied
  • 881 accepted
  • 10% admit rate



  • 4015 applied
  • 855 admitted
  • 21% admit rate



  • 2700 applied
  • 650 admitted
  • 24.1% admit rate


Notre Dame

  • 9.683 applied
  • 1,675 admitted
  • 40% “student of color”
  • 12% international



* indicates required
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