
The choice of taking GCSE and A level exams as an outside candidate: Guest Post by The Exam House

Europe / UK

Having independent exam-taking opportunities for external candidates allows for non-traditional providers of education – offering a different pathway – to train and teach pupils while enabling them to gain standard qualifications such as GCSEs and A Levels.

Taking an exam at a private test centre also gives these students the chance to sit exams and provides the opportunity for candidates and training providers to pick and choose when and where the exam takes place.

For home-schooled students, those pursuing elite-level sports which make formal schooling impossible, those with health issues or others who cannot attend school day-in,day-out, having non-school exam-taking opportunities can be a solution to a tricky problem.

The result of this choice allows for outside candidates to sit exams in exam centres that might not have the long term relationship with the candidate. As an external candidate, the learning can take place at one location, while the exam takes place elsewhere.

Here at the Exam House we strongly believe in choice. Taking exams in schools does not suit everyone, and as education becomes ever-more personalised, so should these opportunities for a more flexible exam-taking regime.


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