Testing Chaos

Sometimes the best laid plans go amiss, as a late decision to apply outside the UK and the need to take the ACT with extra time (for entry to European private universities) meant that a test centre in another country was the only option.
Business across Europe

Some students know they want to study business, and when looking at the options available to them in the UK decide that a European approach suits them best.
From West to East

With an initial conversation revealing a student who wanted to combine the study of sociology, maths and photography at university, the USA was the natural point of study.
The American Dream

For a student born in America and with family there, but raised and educated in the UK, the lure of the all-American university experience was enticing.
A truly global search

For students used to traveling the world, the confines of one country’s university system can seem restrictive. For this student, aspiring to study in a leading world city and with a particular sense of the style of English literature degree he wanted, a global search was needed.
Art School or World Class university – why not have both?

When students have multiple talents across academic disciplines, choosing whether to pursue traditional academic studies or the creative route can be tough.
A Broadway dream

Late in the application cycle we were contacted for help, as a student decided to add some US drama school applications to his US choices.
A double process, with the best of both worlds

Working with twins meant that the whole family was involved in this process, as both students had very differing needs for their university search.
California Dreamin’

A student and her family had always dreamt of university in California, but found herself attending a school in the UK which had limited experience with US applications and could not advise on the nuances of the various options to study in California.
Boarding School to Madrid

An international student attending an English boarding school, this student aspired to a future as a journalist in her own country and was disappointed by the courses she found available to her in the UK. She also wished to pick up a further language as part of her studies, but to study a degree in English.